Yvonne Mora
Yvonne Mora was born in Lima, Peru, in 1959. She graduated from the Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes in 1985 and has held a very active career since. She considers herself an expressionist painter with a strong influence from the masters, Cezanne, Picasso, Van Gogh and Sorolla.
Throughout her work, Yvonne Mora has carefully selected her subjects, delicately placing firm brushstrokes and rapid variations of light on canvas bringing out emotions from the spectator. A very secure brushstroke and a rigorous composition characterize her expressionism. Her painting is full of color, light and life.
Her work is based on simple daily activities and evening galas depicting young couples dancing, flower markers, ballerinas, and finally, the jazz musician’s series. Yvonne Mora explores the subjects with great awareness of their significance; each subject relates to the others in an organic interdependence.
Yvonne Mora has always been known for her independence. She had to struggle during art school because of her originality. Subsequently, she had a hard time with local dealers because of her singular style. But well deserved recognition did not take long to arrive. As soon as art dealers from the United States and Japan began to pay attention to her work, she was in hot demand. Mora claims that her travelling to Japan and the USA has enriched her painting with universal elements that allow her to transcend the barriers of a regional expression.
Her most important shows include the Miami Biennial I, the JAALA (Japan Afro Asian Latin-American Artists Association) Biennial IV and V in Japan, Acuerdo de Cartagena, two One-Person shows at the Tsukuba Gallery in Japan and 6 One-Person shows in different galleries in Lima.