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Established in 1967, HoFP Gallery is dedicated to bringing quality artwork and custom framing to Columbia, SC. The collection is a unique combination of regional and global artworks as well as supports a range of styles from traditional to modern. HoFP Gallery's wide client base includes private collectors, local governmental agencies, architects, small and corporate businesses, as well as interior designers. The gallery hosts many pieces with price accommodations for all. HoFP Gallery is your complete source for art by artists from around the corner and around the world.
"You'll miss the best things if you keep your eyes shut."
Dr. Seuss
HoFP Gallery is located at 2828 Devine Street. This area of Columbia is rich in history. The street's current location bisects the neighborhoods of Shandon and Shop district 5 Points. During the 1800's the road was the Columbia Race Track. Now this area is home to dozens of unique, fashionable boutiques and businesses. Our building has historic significance as Shandon Market, the area's first grocery store.

Alice Perritt, the Lead Designer or Owner, is a Certified Professional Framer who brings over 30 years of experience in art and custom framing to HoFP Gallery. Alice's style and creativity carry her work to numerous accolades for her business, including being awarded "Best of Columbia." Under her careful eye, the gallery has grown in many aspects including an additional floor. Her artistic interests have lead to her involvement in the preservation of the "Old Shandon" area and participation with the Devine Street Merchant Association.