Vigen Sogomonyan’s rich style is fascinating and captivating in its simplicity. His world is a dimension where dreams can transform into reality, a world created by delicate mixture of bright colors and deep shadows as well as smooth sensuous curves and surfaces which are lush and inviting, a dimension where dreams can transform into reality.
Utilizing a combination of influences such as historical period dress, the circus, and traditional costumers, Vigen clothes his imaginary creatures in exotic and colorful costumes, while placing them with unusual and often symbolic objects. His rich style mesmerizing in where the images take you.
Vigen uses intense and vivid colors to exude the perpetual turmoil which exists inside the human heart. This turmoil is expressed through dramatic color combinations, facial and hand gestures, and through texture and surface of his paintings. The gestures of his characters as well as surrounding atmosphere exhibit both humor and tragedy within human beings and their relationships.
Sogomonyan’s discovery of mankind’s need for acceptance leads him to portray the rehearsed exterior which wails our innermost thoughts and feelings. His portrayal of this deliberate concealment of true being creates an inherent deceptive quality, which can be seen in the artist’s paintings. Within each character exists a shroud of mystery, which is immediately evidenced by the subject’s theatrical garb.
Born in 1969 to an artistic family, he was influenced by art an an early age, and at 14 when he began attending art school. He continued his education, and in 1988 enrolled in the Artistic - Theatrical Institute of Yerevan, Armenia, where he studied Graphic Design. His education and training gave him a solid background, while his love of stories, and especially fairy tales became a noticeable contributor to all his work.
Currently residing in Los Angeles, internationally known artist Vigen Sogomonyan continues to create his magnificent works of art.
“What I want is to take people to a new world and have them escape their normal humdrum lives.”