Keith Abney
Keith Abney is originally from Ringgold, Georgia, a small town where his grandfather was a well-known scenic artist. Keith was always interested in the arts. Early on he was more interested in the performing arts. As he grew older he felt swayed toward painting.
After attending school at the University of Tennessee, Keith began his career as a professional artist in the early 1990's in Miami, Florida, working at a gallery that featured his paintings. After Miami, Keith spent time in New York City assisting Russell Maynor, a professional photographer and working odd-jobs around town. He always looks back at this time as an important influence because of the images to which he was exposed and the creative people with which he worked. In 1999, Keith moved to Atlanta, Georgia, and began painting full-time.
Keith’s palette is rich in color and texture. There is a quality of inner light that comes from way deep in the paintings that stems from his application technique. Each painting is painted in layers. First he roughs in the image with pencil. Then he paints the initial layer using both oil and acrylic paints. Next he may apply a layer of varnish or polyurethane. This process is repeated until the painting comes alive. He finishes the painting just as he started it with pencil sketching.
Collections: Chevron / Texaco Corporation - Houston, Texas; Coca Cola – Atlanta, Georgia; Lavernious Coles - Jacksonville Jaguars - Jacksonville, Florida; and The David Kossack Companies - Jacksonville, Florida.

“Quite simply, painting and creating are my life. There have been times in my life where I have resisted the acceptance of this reality, but always return to observe, honor, and utilize my creative abilities. In the last years, I can honestly say that I have come to accept that honoring this creative spirit has led me to a greater understanding of not only my craft, but of Life."
"From this perspective of knowledge, I can better see where my work is, but also where my vision wants to lead it. So my goal as an artist is unity and balance, where mind, body, and spirit merge to maximize what tools that I have so that someone can appreciate a painting that hopefully speaks to them.”
- K. Abney